Last summer, I was employed by Guangming Electric Power Company as a clerk, where I assisted the executive secretary to handle correspondence, telephone appointment, besides the general duties of a clerk such as typing and filing. 我曾在去年暑假受聘光明电力公司,除了承担秘书的日常工作如打字和整理档案外,我协助行政秘书处理文书工作、安排电话约会。
Besides the general duties of a clerk such as typings and filing, I have also provided administrative support for the department such as arranging meetings and maintaining personnel records. 除了职员的日常工作如档案整理及打字外,亦兼做部分行政工作如安排会议及处理人事档案。
The general manage raised the clerk to a department manager. 总经理将那位职员提升为部门经理。
In some situations, various students will assume the role of General Manager, others will be the accountant, Sales director, office clerk, store man etc. 在一些情况下,不同的学生将担任总经理的角色,而其他学生则担任会计,销售总监,办公室职员,仓库管理员等角色。